Monday, March 30, 2009

QuickFreedom - The Untethered 2G Jailbreak with Tutorial

Here is the Jailbreak for the Second Generation iPod Touch: Untethered! (For XP + Vista)
It is simple to Jailbreak you iPod with QuickFreedom. This tutorial is very detailed and not for everyone. If you are even remotely computer savvy then it will be a breeze. QuickFreedom does a good job of explaining everything. If you still don’t know how to, here you go:

1. Click Here to download the installer.

2. Double click the installer now located in your download folder.

3. Install QuickFreedom by clicking next through the installer.

4. Open QuickFreedom (looks like the image above).

5. Click Jailbreak.

* The next page will check to see if LIBUSB has been installed. If it has then you should see a green check, if it has not then click the install button to the right.
* The Same applies for the the Original Firmware 2.2.1. If you don’t have the firmware already installed click Download. Then Browse to find it in your download folder.

8. Once both have been installed click Next.

9. Check Install Installer (recommended). Check Use Custom Boot Logo (if you want a custom boot logo).

* Once Checked, a window should open asking you what type of boot logo you want. You can also use your own custom boot logo here as well.

10. Click Create Firmware.

* Takes about 5 minutes depending on your specs.
* A window should pop up saying, “Your ipsw has been completed and patched successfuly”.
* Click OK
* You should also see that you now have a new Custom Firmware.ipsw on your desktop.

11. Click Next.

12. Connect your iPod to the computer and put your iPod into DFU mode.

* If you don’t know how, follow the instructions by clicking DFU Instructions.
* After doing so the log should state, ” iPod Connected in DFU Mode, Press Start-Prejailbreak“.
* If for any reason it says, “iPod not found” just unplug your iPod and plug it back in.

13. Press Start Pre-Jailbreak.

* Your iPod should Turn White.
* A window should pop up saying, ” iPod successfully put into Pre-Jailbreak Mode. Now restore your custom firmware in iTunes. This file is located on your desktop“.
* Click OK.

14. Click Next.

15. It will tell you how to restore you custom firmware. Do this by:

* Opening iTunes.
* Hold Shift & click Restore.
* A browse window will open.
* In the browse window, find the Custom Firmware.ipsw located on your desktop. Click it.
* Click Open.

16. Your iPod will now restore.

17. After this a iTunes window will open telling you it has been restored and that it is now restarting.

18. iTunes will now ask you to setup the iPod.

19. You have now Jailbroken your iPod Touch Second Generation!

20. Congrats!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

XCM Cross Fire Converter Arrives, PS3 Controllers on XBox 360

Today we received word from the folks over at that their new XCM Cross Fire Converter has arrived.

Pictured below, the XCM Cross Fire Converter lets you connect your PS3 controller to your XBox 360 console. With built in rapid fire/turbo and tilt functions, this adapter is the ultimate in XBox 360 accessories.

This adapter is also compatible with the XBox 360 and original XBox wired controllers for added rapid fire/turbo functionality.

Function and features:

- Use your PlayStation 3 controller on your XBox 360 console.
- Enables Rapid Fire/Turbo on Wired XBox 360 and Original XBox controllers when connected to your XBox 360 console.
- Supports 2 stick analog tilt functionality of the PS3 controller on the XBox 360.
- User controller Rapid Fire/Turbo firing rates (High Speed, Medium Speed, Off)
* Must be used in conjunction with a Wired XBox 360 controller.

Ipod 3.0

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Apple's Benevolent Dictator reveals iPhone and iPod Touch Had Bluetooth Features All Along

iPhone and iPod touch owners are entitled to be angry after their benevolent dictator finally decloaks advanced Bluetooth features.

In all the talk about iPhone improvements, it was easy to miss the fact Apple will enable Bluetooth in the iPod touch in the 3.0 software update. I say "enable" Bluetooth rather than "add", because the update will enable Bluetooth in existing second-generation iPod touches. In other words, it was there all along but Apple just didn't want you to use it. Now it will cost you $10 to unlock it.

The Cupertino overlords are also enabling A2DP stereo Bluetooth in both the iPhone and iPod touch. To me this just reinforces the idea that iPhone 3.0 isn't about amazing new features, but more about playing catch up and giving people the features you'd already find in other smartphones. MMS, cut and paste and even the possibility of tethering are coming with the miraculous 3.0 update. While the Apple zealots will obviously praise the Cupertino overlords for their infinite wisdom, some of us are sick of missing out of features on the whim of a benevolent dictator.

People already knew the iPod touch had a Broadcom Bluetooth 2.1+EDR chip under the bonnet, but it seemed as if it was locked down only for use with the Nike+iPod feature. Now we know that all it needs is a software tweak to bring it to life.

So, why the hell has Apple withheld Bluetooth on the iPod touch for so long? I'd say it was because Cupertino didn't want people using the iPod touch make VoIP calls over wifi using a Bluetooth headset. It wanted people to buy an iPhone instead, or wait for the iPhone in countries such as Australia which got the iPod touch before the iPhone. This is typical of Apple, which also withholds Blu-ray drives from its computers because it wants the Mac faithful to shop at the iTunes store instead.

By holding out on A2DP stereo Bluetooth for the iPhone, Apple has also hampered efforts to build all-in-one iPhone car kits for handling both music and calls. Plenty of people have cobbled together solutions using multiple devices, money that will seem wasted now iPhone/iPod accessories makers should be able to build proper all-in-one solutions around A2DP stereo Bluetooth.

With the other smartphone platforms lifting their game, will people eventually get sick of getting dicked around by Apple's benevolent dictatorship? Unfortunately, history would suggest probably not.

Monday, March 23, 2009

iPhone/iPod OS 3.0

By now you've read all that is new, special, and, of course, missing from Apple's iPhone 3.0 software and SDK announcement. Most people I spoke to after yesterday's presentation thought Apple had hit all the key notes—all but one, that is. What was missing? Multitasking.

Initially, I discounted the fact that the iPhone still can't do more than one thing at a time. Perhaps I give Apple a pass on this because my cranky old Treo has the same problem. Plus, as I wondered aloud to a couple of industry counterparts, "How many consumers really care about the ability to do multiple things at once?" Most consumers I know are an analog bunch living in digital world. They browse the web, check e-mail, upload a photo from their camera, and then go back to e-mail and mail the photo. They don't do it all at once.

Apple's lack of multitasking capabilities is no big deal. Well, except that it is.

Just hours after sitting through Apple's whiz-bang session on the iPhone 3.0, I found myself at Googleplex, meeting with Google product managers who talked about everything from Gmail and Chrome to Google Earth and Mobile. Announced earlier this year, one of the latter's newest features is Latitude. Basically, it's Google's "Where you at?" feature. Put simply, it's a double opt-in system that lets you show people where you are and lets you see where your contacts (friends, family, and acquaintances) are in real time. It makes this connection via a location API in Google Gears and uses your phone's (or your PC's) GPS, cellular triangulation or WiFi to find you.

I like the concept of this feature. I can imagine a mother using this to keep track of her globetrotting son, without impinging on his personal space. His icon simply shows up on Google Maps. The best part of all this is that Latitude just plain works: Even if you're not actively accessing the app in Google Maps, Latitude is running in the background, telling the world (the people you opt to show) exactly where you are. Of course, "exactly" is a relative term since you can define whether people can see your location within meters, only at a city level, or you can hide yourself altogether.

During yesterday's announcement, Apple mentioned how Google Maps works with the updated iPhone OS. However, when Google listed the mobile platforms that support Latitude, including Blackberry, Symbian, Android, and Windows Mobile, the iPhone was noticeably absent.

"No iPhone support?" I asked.

Steve Lee, Product Manager for Google Latitude explained, "We have an iPhone version, working on that to make it available. One thing to note about iPhone version: The magical part of Latitude, even when it's in your pocket, it can report your location…It's not typical user behavior to pull out your phone out of your pocket and check in."

Lee continued, "On all those four platforms I mentioned, they allow applications from the background and multitask and report the location; and iPhone, that's not the case, and Apple just announced their 3.0 software and it appears that's still not the case. It's unfortunate for applications like Latitude."—

Batching Vids

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Alien PS3 Case Mod

Logitech Harmony Remote PS3 Adapter Coming Soon

Logitech is developing a PlayStation 3 adapter that will work with current Harmony Remotes. The details are sketchy:

* Complete control during movies
* Turn PS3 On and Off
* PS3 will be included in Harmony Activities
* Will not use a USB slot

YouTube - Blogging Links

YouTube - Blogging Links

Friday, March 20, 2009


Latest Gametrailers and News

Video Links Site

For Watching Illegal Tv and Movies online

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Check This Site Out for Heaps of Videos.

CNET Australia - For A World Gone Digital

CNET Australia - For A World Gone Digital

Red-ray iphone (4G)/ipod (3G)

Yes!, there will be a app that will let you watch HHDDVVDDBVD format movies on your iphone 4g and you ipod 3G 3rd gen, you may think that apple couldn't get the HHDDVVDDBVD format that fast, but apple has told us that, they feel the iphone 4g has to have the HHDDVVDDBVD format. and also told us that they are trying to keep up with the format wars, and making sure the new iphone 4g is top of the range. apple has not yet told us the date that they will start to sell the iphone 4g, but they say that is going 2 look the sameish but the hardware and software should be out of this world.

The next PSP

Here is some made up but realistic specs for the new system, that I think might just be introduced:

Mini Red-Ray drive. (Mini Red-ray discs will be out - 15 TB DL max data capacity) seems viable and the only option to still have UMD compatibility)- Backwards compatibity with PSP UMD

games and movies.
Wifi A/G/N/J spec
Bulit in 2- 5.2 Megapixel webcam for GO! Messanger / Skype video support. And cellphone like photos and videos.
Dual analog sticks

No touch screen. To costly for production and not needed. (Too much like a DS)

PS1 and PS2 emulator bulit-in / PSnetwork downloads for games (Like the PSP).

Longer improved battery consumption. More power saving features?

1.6Ghz+ low power consuming processor and 1GB of SDRam or more

No built in Flash drive, too costly for production. (Besides Sony wants us to buy Mirco Memory sticks or MMS Duos of 32GB etc)

Divx and other major codec support from day 1.

The next wii

WII Launch Date and MSRP: Nov. 19, 2020

Color: Black.

Size: About 8.5 inches long, 6 inches wide and less than two inches thick (157mm x 215.4mm x 44mm).

Controls: "Up to four Wii Remote controllers can be connected at once using wireless Bluetooth 3.0

technology. The wireless signal can be detected within 20 meters of the console.

The Look: "The Wii console features a compact design that...can be displayed either vertically or horizontally.

Media: "A single self-loading media bay will play single- or double-layered 12-centimeter optical discs for the Wii console, as well as 8-centimeter Nintendo GameCube discs.

Channels: "The Wii Channel Menu is the main gateway for a variety of...interactive multimedia, entertainment and communication functions.

Communication: "The Wii console can communicate with the Internet even when the power is turned off. The WiiConnect24 service [content and game updates] even if the system is idle. Users can connect wirelessly using IEEE 802.11, or with a USB 2.0 LAN adaptor. The Wii console also can communicate wirelessly with the Nintendo DS."Virtual Console: "The Wii console will have downloadable access to 20 years of fan-favorite titles originally released for Nintendo 64, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The Virtual Console also will feature a 'best of' selection from Sega Genesis titles and games from the TurboGrafix 16 console. It also will be home to new games conceived by indie developers.

The Specs: "The Wii console has 512 TB of internal flash memory, 6 USB 2.0 ports and built-in Wi-Fi capability. A bay for an SD memory card will let players expand the internal flash memory. Design was optimized with state-of-the-art processing technologies that minimize power consumption, keep the console compact and enable the 'sleepless' WiiConnect244 mode.

CPU: "PowerPC CPU (code-named "Broadway") Made with a 900 nm SOI CMOS process, jointly developed with and manufactured by IBM. (1045GHz)
"Graphics Processing Unit: "Being developed with ATI.
"Other Features: "Four ports for Nintendo GameCube controllers. Two slots for Nintendo GameCube memory cards. An AV Multi-output port for component, composite, or S-video."

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The next Xbox

It's been already two years since the launch of the Xbox360. So you'd think that planning and design of the next Xbox is well underway. This also will run on Red-ray

Our prediction for the next Xbox is...

So here's the bottom line for the Xbox in 2020, based on current trends and what we know is happening over the next few years.

CPU/GPU - Integrated Dual chip with 19 x 590GHz processor cores, 32 x 298GHz graphics
Memory - 8TB RAM GDDR98
Media - Dual-format HHDDVVDDBVD-DVD/Red-ray drive for backwards compatibility
Storage - 40TB hard disk for online game (and movie) delivery
Built-in camera - for gesture-based control (12MP)
Built-in microphone - for voice-recognized control
3TB Holographic Disk/Hard Drive
111 TFLOPS performance, hardcore
382 Billion Polygons Per a sec performance

PlayStation 4

Yes! all the playstation 4 games will be on the HHDDVVDDBVD format running on Red-ray this will also be coming out in the year 2020 or before, if they do come out before the year 2020 then the PS4 games will run on Blu-ray, till Red-ray is released
Sony PlayStation's Playstation 4 or 5 specs have leaked!!

109GHz with Cell 12 Technology
15GB of RAM (>256GB video)
2TB Holographic Disk/Hard Drive
109 TFLOPS performance, hardcore
369 Billion Polygons per sec peak performance
Fiber-Optic to the Home modem
FFF:The Spirts Within Movie Graphics.


Red-ray Disc (also known as Red-ray or RD) is an optical disc storage medium. Its main uses are high-high-definition video and data storage. The disc has the same physical dimensions as standard Blu-ray, DVDs and CDs.

The name Red-ray Disc is derived from the red laser (redish-colored) used to read and write to this type of disc. Because of the wavelength (405 nanometres), substantially more data can be stored on a Red-ray Disc than on the blu-ray Disc and DVD format, which uses a red (659 nm) laser. A triple dual-layer Red-ray Disc can store 200 terabytes , almost six hundred thousand times the capacity of a dual-layer DVD, or nine hundred thousand and a half times that of a single-layer DVD.

During the format war over high-definition optical discs, Red-ray Disc competed with the HHDDVVDDBVD format. February 19, 2020, Toshiba—the main company supporting HDDDVVDDBVD—announced that they will start selling the Red-ray players in the year 2020.
Red-ray Disc was developed by the Red-ray Disc Association(was the "Blu-ray Disc Association"), a group representing makers of consumer electronics, computer hardware, and motion pictures.

Media type
High-High-density optical disc

MPEG-48, H.264534/MPEG-4 AVC, and VC-30

100 TB (triple single layer)100 TB (triple dual layer)

Block size
6489kb ECC

Read mechanism
405 nm laser:1× at 343 Mbit/s (44.5 Mbyte/s)20× at 72 Mbit/s (9 9Mbyte/s)49× at 144 Mbit/s (180 Mbyte/s)62× at 2126 Mbit/s (227 Mbyte/s)82× at 2828 Mbit/s (326 Mbyte/s)122× at 4232 Mbit/s (542 Mbyte/s)

Developed by
Red-ray Disc Association

Data storage,High-High-definition HHDDVVDDBVD videoHigh-High-definition HHDDVVDDBVD audioPlayStation 4/5 and new Xbox console (Name not yet released)

Physical size-
-Single double layer capacity-
-Dual double layer capacity-
Standard disc size
12 cm, double sided
100 TB (97.28 TiB)
200 TB (197.57 TiB)
Mini disc size
8 cm, double sided
50 TB (47.26 TiB)
150 TB (147.53 TiB)